Întâlnirea de la miezul nopții, cu DJ Cotco
Fiindcă, indiferent ce piesă pun, imediat apar trei cititori care mă trollează cu link spre „o piesă mult mai mișto, moșule, p-asta trebuia s-o dai”, hai să vedem ce mai faceți acum, că de ăștia până și pe youtube au auzit doar 3-4000 de oameni. E, să nu-mi spuneți: exact traficul de pe Daily Cotcodac…
Rose Rovine E Amanti – Demian Demian
Întro zi o să învăţ şi eu cum să pun o piesă mult mai mişto. Întro zi. Acum e noapte.
Mda! Roza din Rovine cu amantii !
Auzi tu, fata, tuuu ! Il mai stii pe nenea ala simpaticuuu’? Ala cu chelie si ochelari, care iesea in balcon transpirat si ne facea semne cu destiu’… Ai tu, ca nu se poate sa nu-l stiiii !!! Avea el sapcuta aia simpatica, cu sclipici… Tu, ne-am dat aseara intalnire, la miezu’ noptii, la cofetaria de la el de la parter. Tu, si sa vezi ce romantic… a comandat doua prajituri “KD obicei” (de n-am auzit in viata mea de ele,tu !), si pana ni le-a adus tanti aia, mi-a bagat si o dedicatie, tu! Cu apropouri finute… un domn, ce mai !!!
E ok, dpmdv merită ascultată şi sharuită. Noapte bună.
Sună fain. This is a fine change!
Ave Maria.
Lately, it seems like Rose Rovine E Amanti is zigzagging between the labels Cold Spring and The Eastern Front with their releases. This time it is Cold Springs turn, but not without the Eastern Front’s contribution, in the form of the beautiful cover design by Tanya from the Israeli label. Contrary to the classical looking covers of the rest of the bands albums, this cover looks both emotional and wilder than the others. Demian is a passionate album, having the virtues of neo folk songs, rock songs and Mediterranean music, together and apart from each other. The intensity of the album is not spared from the listener for a second, and from the first few moments of “Il Gato Osserva” the listener is drawn into this turbulence of eastern music and powerful singing voice.
Giving a soft answer to the demanding opening, The soft female singer of the song that bears the bands name is soothing the racing heart along with a guitar that, while more mellow, reminds the previous songs intensity. The voices of Noemi York and Damiano Mercuri on the second song are beautifully singing to each other. Not a duet, but a dialogue between two soft but dominant entities.
The most powerful song is “Demian”, singing about a modern day Cain, with very intense lyrcis and music and a storming emotional wave that shift too fast to even trace the changes between these polarities. Despair and pride, vengeance and regret. Is this a song of a killer? Nick Cave’s mercy seat is being brought to mind. However close this song is to cave’s masterpiece, it is a worthy comparison for a worthy song.
The entire album is dealing with the distance between Heaven and Hell. The several icons that repeat themselves through “Demian”, The christian soldier, Holy Mary, The dead brother and more, do more than just portray bible stories. This is a new, darker story and it is not confined to the realms of Christianity at all. The two dedications on the first song, one for Iggy pop and one for William Blake, can give a vague picture about the stretched realm of ideas that this album belongs to. Imagine Blake is sitting with Tom waits/ Iggy Pop/ David Bowie/ whoever you find fit on the set of the film “Coffee and Cigarettes”. It’s dark, and it is sometimes dirty, but it is not always earthly.
Noi Ritorneremo is another remarkable song, with a rolling piano and a crying violin, followed by an almost demented laughter and powerful singing (as usual). Another climax before the album ends with “Ave Maria” that is a sort of epilogue. Is it hopeful? Is it a song of despair, The Italian lyrics make it hard for me to decide, but it is not important. I cannot but think about P.A.Ls old track “Sacred women”, containing the Ave Maria prayer. Where the industrial act was cold and criticizing, This last song of the album is a warm farewell. It closes “Demian” in a great way and marks another album for the Italian band. A victory for the line of albums by Cold Spring and Rose Rovine E Amanti alike.
Am gasit pe Internet o poza interesanta cu cititorii Daily Cotocodac 🙂
@Costi: se vede de la o poştă că ie trucată, fătu’ Oldului! Ai naibii prăpădiţii ăia de paparazzi! Pă toate le fotoşopuiesc, să facă ei senzaţie!
Păi cum se poate ca toţi să rânjească la unison? Unde-i ăl’ de se concentrează la ce să mai trolle
ibuzeze?… 😕